Last chance to comment

The South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation closes on Monday 6th March. If you have not yet responded and do not have time to complete the online consultation, you can email your views to: or

Please feel free to draw on the arguments being made by the Parish Council.

1. The Green Belt north of Leamington is important for many reasons:

  • It is high quality agricultural land which should be safeguarded for the sake of national food security.
  • Its footpaths offer recreational and health benefits for many people in the town of Leamington Spa who can access the area on foot. The number of people using the footpaths increased hugely during periods of lockdown and this has continued since.
  • It prevents a sprawling northwards of the town of Leamington Spa and forms a green ‘northern gateway’ to the town. This in turn helps Leamington to maintain its setting and special character.
  • It helps to maintain the distinct identities of the towns of Kenilworth and Leamington Spa and prevents them merging into one another. 
  • It assists in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land, in line with the Government’s “Brownfield First” pledge.

2. It is not necessary or appropriate to develop the Green Belt north of Leamington because:

  • It is not in line with current Government policy.
  • The statistic used in the consultation in support of Green Belt development is misleading. This says that 54% of respondents support the exploration of Green Belt growth opportunities, without mentioning that 45% of respondents were developers, landowners and businesses.
  • The Green Belt north of Leamington fulfils all five of the stated purposes of the Green Belt.
  • The Green Belt north of Leamington is high quality agricultural land which should be safeguarded to promote food security.
  • The planning team explored options which placed development outside of the Green Belt yet it has presented none of these in the consultation document.

Please make your voice heard and respond to the consultation by Monday 6th March 2023.